Our Logo

West Parry Sound Health Centre Logo

wpshc-logoWest Parry Sound Health Centre's logo is built on the foundation of a blue, perfect square.

Everyone is familiar with the expressions a square deal, or fair and Square. These uses of the word 'square' are supported by the geometric shape's synonymous meanings: honest, equal, equitable, fair, genuine, impartial, upright, just, unbiased, and unprejudiced.

These words all embody principles embedded in the Caring Values that form the foundation of our organization.

The four wave patterns in our logo represent Georgian Bay, the natural element which distinguishes our locale and enriches our personal lives. The waves also represent the four seasons and the four phases of life: indicative of the year-round and life-long care that we provide for our community.

The bottom wave is Birth and Spring. It is followed by Adolescence and Summer, and Adulthood and Fall. The final wave represents the Elderly and Winter phase.

Because we are an open and enlightened organization, a reflection of sunlight moves across each wave.

The wave patterns move beyond the confines of the blue, perfect square, representing our willingness to innovate, or 'think outside the box'.