Policies and Agreements

Integrated Quality & Risk Management

The WPSHC has a strong commitment to identifying risks, preventing harm, making quality improvements and ensuring the safety of all patients, partners, visitors, volunteers and staff. At the WPSHC, we firmly believe that we all play a part in ensuring safe, high quality care within the context of our current environment. Our Integrated Quality & Risk Management Model (available below) is a visual snapshot of how we are living our vision to achieve excellence in health for life and our mission of being a provider and partner in the delivery of exceptional health CARE.

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions you may have.

Our Quality Improvement Plan

In June 2010, the Ontario government passed the Excellent Care for All Act. This legislation supports all hospitals in their work to improve the quality and safety of care. One of the ways that the Excellent Care for All Act is helping us to meet our communities expectations regarding quality, patient safety, and accountability is through the public reporting of our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).

The plan provides a meaningful way for West Parry Sound Health Centre to clearly articulate our accountability to the community, patients, and staff. Our QIP is focused on creating a positive family- and patient-centered experience and delivering high quality health care to the community we are privileged to serve.

Our QIP (available below) is made up of two parts:
A document that provides a brief overview, highlighting and listing our hospitals top priorities for the year.
A spreadsheet that includes our improvement initiatives, targets, and the indicators we will use to measure success.

The QIP is only one of the ways we are working to improve our delivery of safe quality care. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions you may have.